New Year, New You?


I have to admit to being VERY glad to see the back of 2013. Loss was a big thing last year, and by the end I was totally overwhelmed with what seemed like hundreds of unfinished tasks and things that I needed to change. I could have drawn up a list of New Year’s Resolutions that I wouldn’t keep. That is, if I knew where to start with the massive mountain that was looming before me. Where would I find the time to do it all anyway?

This is where I got a bit Alice in Wonderland in my head….

So little time, so much to do.

That was it, that was my problem. Who’s got the time? Not me, that’s for sure. So I decided that the only way that I would get on top of things was to be a time management ninja. 2014, I’m coming to get you with my diary, to-do listand household planner.

Just sayin’!