My Top Tips for being a Work at Home Parent


It’s nearly my one year anniversary of working from home, and while there have been ups and downs (we’re talking a HUGE learning curve!) I have loved being there for my girls when they need me. No school plays or parents sessions missed; no worrying about how I will manage getting to that doctor’s/dentist appointment without causing problems. I can interrupt what I’m doing for a quick game of Mariokart. But I won’t kid you that sometimes I’ve been tearing my hair out, when I’ve been trying to meet a deadline or couldn’t balance my house work from my ‘at home’ work. It’ so easy to get overwhelmed by the mountain of stuff that you have to do that you just get absolutley nothing done. So what did I do?

I became a time management ninja.

It wasn’t hard. I won’t say that the results were instant either, because as with all systems, it needs a little tweaking here and there until you find what’s right for you. I’m getting there, and I’ve completed tasks that I’ve been planning to do for an eternity and just never got around to. Here’s my plan for ninja status:

1. Do a housework rota. Make it realistic. I have 5 daily tasks I do, then one room a day with Sundays off.

2. Make a list of everything that needs done (work and home).

3. Highlight the really important jobs, then put them in your diary, or on your family planner.

4. Split the other jobs into 5, 10 and 30 minute tasks.

5. Get the important jobs done!

6. Any time you find yourself at a loose end for 5 minutes or more, do one of the jobs on your 5/10/30 minute list.

That’s it. My only other tip is to be realistic. If one of your rooms looks like it will take a week to do, don’t get stressed if you can’t get it done in a day. IT WON’T HAPPEN. Keep plugging on, a little every week and it will all come together in a few weeks. And as you see things coming together it will give you the confidence that you are going in the right direction and to keep on going. Before you know it, Ninja status will be acheived!


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